Tegra Boro

Tegra Boro

Product Description


Element weight / volume
Boron complex on ethanolamine 15%
Compound Features
It has a key role in the process of pollination and fertilization as it has a role in increasing the fertility of flowers by increasing the vitality and activity of pollen grains because the boron makes the stigmas viscous, which leads to an increase in pollination and this leads to decrease its death and prevent falling fruits phenomenon .
Improving the shape, regularity and consistency of the size of the fruits by preventing the formation of unpollinated fruits.
Boron helps absorbing calcium indirectly through boron regulating the movement of auxin in plants, and auxin regulates calcium movement, so boron has a role in cell division and elongation.
Tegraboro, when used before the tuber crop is harvested, filters the shoot system at the end of the plant’s life and transfers its nutritional content to the tubers or storage places in the plant.
Usage rates:
The crop Usage Timing dosage
citrus It is treated twice before flowering and at The end of flowering and the beginning of the set 100 cm / 100 liters of water
grapes A week before flowering and after harvest with storage
Desserts – peach nectarines – plum apricot One week before flowering after harvest with storage
 apples – pear – apple pomegranate With the beginning of flowering until the end of the set About 3 transactions
vegetables in general The best time to use is a week before flowering and the beginning of the set
Sugar beet 60 days after planting and repeat after this Treatment twice, one of them sprayed for filtering
Potatoes At the age of 45 days, a treatment is repeated afterwards two weeks 20 days before harvest, in case of Not directing the crop to the factory 100 cm / 100 liters of water
150 cm / 100 liters of water