Tegra Men

Tegra Men

Product Description


Element weight / volume
Cytokinin 4%
Naphthalene acetic acid 2%
Naphthalene acetamide 1%
Compound Features
The compound contains three auxins of plant growth regulators.
Improving plant growth and increasing flower setting and fruit formation.
Reducing the harmful effect of frost during the flowering phase ,when used before the frost phase helps the plant to succeed in physiological heating.
Tegramen is a plant growth regulator specialized in stabilizing flowers to increase the rate of setting in fruits and increase their size and speed of cell division.
 Do not spray at high temperatures. It is preferable to use at humid temperatures in the early morning or evening.
Usage rates:
The crop Usage Timings Usage rates
citrus At the beginning of flowering and with the beginning of falling petals. 100: 150 cm / 100 liters of water
vegetable Crops At 4: 5 leaves of the plant and During the flowering and setting stage.
apple crops and sweets (Apple – pear – persimmon – plum – Apricot) with the beginning of flowering and during the Flowering stage and during the stage of cell division