Tegra Phos

Tegra Phos

Product Description


Element weight / volume
Phosphorus 32 %
Potassium 42 %
Boron Ethanol Amine 1 %
Molybdenum 0.5 %
Carboxylic acid 3.5 %
Compound Features
It has an effective role in stimulating the production of natural hormones in buds and flowers, which have a role in preserving flowers, reducing the fall rate and increasing the rate of setting.
Helps the plant to withstand adverse conditions “high or low temperature” during the flowering period.
The compound contains everything the plant needs during the critical stages “flowering – pollination – fertilization – setting”, which leads to an increase in the number of fruits and thus increase production.
It has an effective role in scaling the fruits through potassium transferring the products of photosynthesis into the nucleus.
The crop Usage Timing Usage rates
Tomato – pepper – eggplant Cucurbits (watermelon – zucchini – cantaloupe – cucumber) fava beans – peas – kidney beans – cowpeas It is used with the beginning of flowering It is repeated at the beginning of the set And repeat every 10: 15 days until maturity is completed. 1: 1.5 cm/1 liter of water
mango – peach – plum Apricot – apple – pear Spraying is done before flowering, and spraying is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days Between one spray and the other
citrus Spraying at the beginning of flowering and the second before The fall of the petals and repeat in the stage of maturity of the fruits
wheat – rice Spraying is at the beginning of expulsion stage of the Ears in the wheat crop And when the Ears are completed
Sugar beet After 60 days of cultivation, it is repeated in the stage of scaling and accumulation of sugars
cotton With the beginning of flowering and repeat spraying after 15 days From the first to increase the number of cotton bolls and increase their size
corn Spraying is done at the beginning of the formation of the cobs